Your Guide To Learning with Brainfood Academy – Get Started

Welcome Everyone to Brainfood Academy! Your guide to learning with Brainfood Academy and here is where we break down some important questions and answers. So, let’s get going and find out what steps you need to take to join our incredible Academic family.

Brainfood Academy is a private school, entirely online. Your child will be able to learn any subject because our academy houses grades K–12. From some of the most brilliant teachers. Teachers here come from all over the world.

Getting started at a new school can be a little intimidating. We have developed your guide to learning with Brainfood Academy. These criteria are for all students who are eligible to use any international curriculum for the US. It’s easy to get started with Brainfood Academy as long as you know where to look!

Your Guide To Learning with Brainfood Academy – Get Started with Open House

Please join us for our Brainfood Academy Open House every week: Wednesday at 8:30 pm EST, 7:30 pm CST, 6:30 pm MST or 5:30 pm PST. Get any questions you may have answered by clicking this link on Wednesday Nights, just pick your time zone.

What is the Needed Criteria ~ Getting Started

I understand that this appears to be a lot. However, we now have your guide to learning with Brainfood Academy. And, we think that having this information will make choosing our Academy simple.

Visit the U.S. Department of Education website from this link. On the site, you can choose your state. Next, determine what requirements your child needs in order to attend a public or private school.

You can explore education-related rules and regulations by clicking this link as well. This page lets you see all the criteria to get your student started in school. So, it’s a great place to start if you have any questions about registration.

But keep in mind that because Brainfood Academy is a private institution, our rules are less stringent. So, if for whatever reason your child leaves our Academy, they will have all the prerequisites required to enroll in any public school in the United States; should you want to do so at any point.

Like with nearly all schools, if you know where to search, you can find funding for online, homeschooling, and private education. But the majority of individuals simply lack the time to search. We at Brainfood Academy, your go-to resource for learning, have also found a solution for this problem. Here are some resources where you can obtain important information to help with your family’s budget. You may use the valuable information on any of these websites with our Brainfood Academy. Thus, make sure your family and student have all they need to begin working with us by doing your research.

It is mandatory to maintain up-to-date immunization and vaccination records in any public school setting. Because of this, the majority of private schools follow suit. However, since it’s an online school, it’s not required. But since we’re a private school, kids are free to come and go as they like. Because of this, every child who wishes to leave our Academy must provide proof of current vaccination and immunization records.

The majority of states do, however, have some exceptions to this law. You can find out if you qualify for an exemption from this process based on your faith, unique circumstances, or other factors. This website link has a list of all of them.

Kindergarten is not a mandatory class, according to government laws. However, they do grant each state the authority to enact its own laws in this regard. Yet, it is required that every state provide a kindergarten class in every school district due to education reform, working parents, and other financial circumstances.

No, kindergarten is a mandatory course that all public school systems must offer; but attendance is not required. Children enrolled in public schools between the ages of seven and sixteen, as well as those as young as five or six, are obligatory to attend class.

Those States that Require Kindergarten:

Since regulations provide individual states the authority to determine their own school structures, some have chosen to make Kindergarten a prerequisite for academic and graduation completion. The states that mandate kindergarten are listed below. In every other state, testing of academic aptitude is mandatory prior to first grade enrollment, if you decide not to send your child to kindergarten.

States that require Kindergarten:
ArkansasDelawareDistrict of Columbia
NevadaNew MexicoOhio
OklahomaRhode IslandSouth Carolina
South DakotaSouth DakotaTennessee
VirginiaWest Virginia