Inpersona and Helo

Welcome to Inpersona and Helo, the place where the Web 3.0 World and the blockchain-enabled protection and utilization of our health data take place.

Refuse to give your vulnerable health data over to Big Tech! Our privacy and sovereignty have been put up for grabs, with the highest bidder able to obtain them. However, we have a global solution. Inpersona and Helo Devices play a vital role. And, we definitely need to be in charge of our own Medical Data, going forward.

This is a brief summary! Then, below this presentation, let’s get you going:

Let’s get you started with your very own Helo device so you can take charge of your health data and make the most of it. Furthermore, we can benefit more from the Socialfi and Healthfi facets of this innovative future trend the healthier we get.

You can find this current information on the page by Clicking this Link.

It begins with you downloading the Free Inpersona App from the Google Play Store or Apple IStore, depending on the phone you have:

Get it on Google Play Here:

Get it on Apple Here:

This application is significant. And connects with amazing wearable technology to continuously monitor your health. This improves and saves lives while maintaining security. Web 3.0 and Blockchain Technologies are used to protect. This is our medical future as a result.

“Run” or “Open” the software after you have it and create a new account. Setup this account, You will then require an “INVITE CODE,” which we or anybody Setup this account. You will then require anybody else currently logged into the Inpersona App can provide:


Since we are collaborating on this and building this amazing wave of the future, it not only addresses a vast array of problems related to our Health Data Sovereignty. The available invite codes are listed below. Work your way down from the top until you locate one that is open. (This list is updated frequently):

When prompted for your invitation code, enter The Code: or until someone takes them. We frequently update them.


Inpersona and Helo Health Bands

Or this one


Or this one


Or try this one


Or this one


Here is another to try. Furthermore; we will be adding more. So if this one doesn’t work, there is one more and then you will need to contact us!


I think everyone ought to be involved with this. And we’re using every available channel to get the news out. This is how we can make the world a better place overall. If you want to help us share this information with others, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

If you feel that we haven’t been updating quickly enough. Please Contact Us.

Respond to our email system by sending an email (Register to the Right). And be aware that we are here to assist you with this crucial “Life Enhancement.”

It’s amazing what technology can do for improving quality of life.

  • Possess the most incredible sensors at your disposal to monitor your health conditions instantly. The same would apply if you visited a doctor’s office. Available Only on your Wrist.
  • Be able to use the app to learn about the health of your elderly loved ones. You can always see where they are if they wear the device and have our apps installed. Notification in the event that something goes out of range is also available. This technology can save lives!
  • Thanks to the Blockchain and Web 3.0 features, this provides an additional means of generating revenue streams. We power the Cryptocurrency Aspect of this process through our Heartbeat. We mine cryptocurrency more, the more we utilize this. It pays off to do this. Additionally, we can earn more the more we spread this and advance in our Socialfi process.

You must now create your Cryptocurrency Wallet using the Inpersona app.

By doing this, the wallet that will hold your rewards—which are given out in USDV tokens—will be created (this is CASH FOLKS). There is more to this exciting world of cryptocurrencies, and we should all be educated and trained about this exciting new direction in society. Taking Charge and Benefiting from the MACRO Values Our Health Data Assisting in Creating. Yes, this is AMAZING!

The program will walk you through 4 simple steps, one of which is to set up your passphrases, which protects your wallet. Be sure to write these down and store them for later. You will lose your wallet if you misplace them. Your device’s wear and tear as well as the Data NFT (explained below) to which it is connected determine the worth of your wallet.

Three Choices Are Available for Configuring Your Wallet:

  • SETTING UP YOUR NEW WALLET: OPTION 1 – This is what you should do. It is advised that you make a NEW WALLET in order to configure it for your use with InPersona.
  • Importing your current wallets is essential for options 2 and 3. If you know how to, this walkthrough is not necessary. However, we advise everyone we work with to set up an entirely new wallet.

Decide on your NFT level. Here’s where a little explanation is needed. The actual Sovereign Data is stored in an NFT. Presented here is our NFT process: (You Must Watch the Video):

The more MINING and MORE you stand to gain from this process, as you can see by looking at the NFT and understanding how it all works, the higher the NFT Level you will want.


  1. Choose the “GLOBE” option from your Inpersona app, located at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Within the program, you will see a “Decentralized” web browser. Or, you may visit the NFT Marketplace.
  3. Apple users – You must type and press the “GO” button. If you use an Android device, which we support; is already set up for you. Simply press the “Go Button.”
  4. You will then be directed to the NEXT Page. This will display the NFTs that you can obtain. You have a number of options to select from.
  5. Choose your NFT. Once more, the higher the level, the better it performs in the mining process.
  6. You will be guided through the purchase process after choosing your NFT. NOTE: Refer to the TROUBLESHOOTING section below if you require assistance with this particular aspect. In the realm of cryptocurrency, certain details could be required depending on your place of residence and the available financial resources (Credit Cards or Crypto).This is an opportunity to participate and learn, not to brush it off and move on. You don’t want to miss anything like this.

Note. You can start small and build up or “Upgrade”. Just get going.

Next Step after your NFT Purchase is complete:

  1. It’s time to connect your Helo device to the NFT after you’ve finished purchasing the NFT. After it is minted, your NFT will be visible on your Inpersona Home Page. NOTE: Depending on where you are located, you might need to modify your “CHAIN” to Vyvo Smart Chain, Polygon, or Binance Smart Chain if you are unable to see it. For example, I have my Level 3 NFT and am on the Polygon chain.
  2. You will receive an email generated by Inpersona. This will include the code for your device’s “Free Voucher.” which is available at Everything is explained in the email.

It’s time to activate your Helo device. This will be set up and and sent to you (as previously specified). Upon receiving, you will activate the device within your app once you receive it (it will be shipped to you immediately). You will receive clear, easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions with everything.

  • Next comes wear and earn. Additionally, as part of the NFT process, share this process with others by using the Invite Codes that you obtained from your Hub Consoles.
  • When ordering your Device, use PROMO CODE: INP817462427 (So you can get 10% savings from me to you).


  • We have a dedicated team to help with this if you run into any problems. Not to mention the amazing internal support staff at Helo and Inpersona. Send in tickets straight from the Inpersona app. Having stated that, you will be added to our email system by enrolling on the RIGHT. You can respond to us directly at any moment, and we will get in contact with you right away to support and assist you. This way, we can guarantee that you are completing everything accurately. In addition, that is what we are all about at all times.
  • Above all, remember that our goal as an online community is to help, develop, and build. The resources that are available are abundant. We have access to training and all the resources you need to learn and participate in this because we recognize the importance of education.
  • Furthermore, our online community offers ample opportunities. We can genuinely aid anyone who wants to be given the help and support because of what we have. This community was established over the course of nearly 20 years by our own marketing genius. .

The Inpersona App and Helo Devices improve the following important aspects in all of our lives.

  • We can observe how consuming a glass of premium fine wine—like red wine—daily lowers blood pressure, cholesterol, and reduces stress. How? because after a month of drinking one glass per night, we can actually notice results. We can map it out! Look at it. and reap the rewards of it. But, be sure the fine wine you’re sipping is a really amazing one. We only drink the Best Fine Wines From Here.
  • In addition, taking vitamins and nutritional products is important for our health. We are able to again, observe how our vitals change and improve over time. Thus, it will be wonderful when we discover our Bio-Hacking Products—which you ought to be using by now—and we start losing weight! However, we may also observe how using the items and time improve our vitals. We Wholeheartedly Advocate These Bio-Hacking Products. An Amazing Way to a Better Life!
  • We now have the ability to constantly check in on our elderly loved ones to see how they are doing, without a physician. In the event of a medical emergency that may require immediate assistance, we have tools. It’s all included with the Inpersona App and Helo Devices. We can also monitor them on a daily basis and take preventative action. Consider how the science and data presented here can be used to change the length and quality of life. This is a game-changer. Unquestionably this is about making the most of our time here on this planet.

There’s so much more, we know. And as more information becomes available, there is a greater chance that many diseases will be cured or at least partially cured. The data is everything.

The key is the Data. Additionally, we can take action in a way that safeguards each of our personal health records. Cheers to the Future of Health.

We have so much accessibility now, from our own health to the health of people we love the most: 

We can now keep an eye on our health 365 days a year thanks to the Inpersona and Helo devices! All the time. Plus, maintaining our health in our “younger years” is just as important as it is now while we are growing older. For everyone of us, this is real-time, proactive monitoring. No longer reserved for the extremely wealthy, but for everyone. And it includes us as well.

Our goal in being here is to improve the world. While thoughts and prayers might be powerful, nothing can compare to the application of real resources to those hopes and prayers. Get in touch with us to learn more and to contribute more to the “Pay It Forward” online community that unifies us.

We are Available for Contact Us Regarding This (or anything on this Community Information System) See How by CLICKING HERE to Contact Us.