This is a story, Flyers Journey ~ My label is Charleston Dreams Flyer, but I go by Flyer.  I was created in Napa, California, bottled there too!  I am a Pinot Grigio, a refreshing white. My QR Code holds my story from whence I came.  However, this story is about where I’m going, and here’s my tale.

So, away we went, as we traveled cross country, on my journey. Of course, we had to wait, just for awhile, before readying for the trip.  It had to be the right time.  It had to be perfect.  And finally, off we went, snuggled in our crates, to an unknown destination. 

Along the way, I especially noticed a song playing in the distance.  A familiar kind of tune…’bottle of red, bottle of white, perhaps a bottle of rose’ instead…it all depends upon your appetite, I’ll meet you any time you want…’-Billy Joel (Scenes from an Italian Restaurant).  How appropriate I thought in the moment, singing it to myself.  It was a long trip, after all!  And, I made friends with Billy too.


Flyers Journey ~ bottle of Charleston Dreams Flyer with the Donna Walker, Nile Eddy and Tanya Rose'

Well, we got there, finally, after hundreds of miles and a transfer, all together me and my friends. Here we were, Donna the Cabernet Sauvignon, Nile the Pinot Noir, Tanya the Rose’ and I, of course the Pinot Grigio, all together again, out of our comfy crates.  We were lined up next to each other like soldiers or something!? This continued for several days.  And, some odd photo ops with my friends and me throughout.  


Upon arrival at my next stop, I was left as we were stopped for some time.  I had time to ponder where my journey would take me next, unsure of the adventure ahead.  A little later I was taken inside and was partnered, from my partial comfy crate, to a basket bench.

Until one day, late morning, I was whisked away for another ride, a different journey.  I was placed in my open crate, but still pretty comfy, in the back part of this smaller container.  The first part seemed pretty smooth, but the last part was moving like waves on the ocean.  Woow!  Very strange and different from the big box we rode in at first. But this time I was on my own, without my friends. I think I was a little sad. :(

Flyers Journey with Flyer in a basket with 2 wine glasses

This basket bench made for me was lined with confetti paper and so comfortable, I must confess.  It was like I was being put to bed for the night.  Before that actually happened though, two blue goblets were put on either side of me and cushioned me in even more. How cozy I am!

Next thing I knew, it was morning and the sun was shining through.  A new day to continue my amazing journey! Looks like we’re traveling again, just a short distance and already there.  Almost didn’t realize we moved in another different box, but roomier than the last, but hanging out on the seat in my basket bench.  Best ride so far, short, but only a little wavy this time.

F J Part 3

We’re their already!  And, I was taken inside again, but this didn’t look familiar.  It looked like a very old, huge white box, with school desks on one side and a chalkboard hanging on the wall on the other side.  And, there was a really loud bell that rang later, as food was laid out on a long table. I was excited, ‘cause I was hungry.  Unfortunately, I didn’t get to eat ‘cause they had other plans for me.  I was there for the silent auction!

Before and after the live auction was the silent auction.  I learned the difference between a silent auction and live one. First, the live auction has a person yelling out a bunch of numbers and others raising their hands fast.  Then, the person who raised their hand last gets the prize. Every prize in this category goes thru this yelling process before going to a person.  Weird huh?

Flyers Journey to Hope School Reunion & Community Day!

Next is the silent auction.  It’s where a bunch of different items are on a bunch of tables and every item has a piece of paper in front of it, including myself.  Lots of people walk by you and the rest of the items and sometimes writes their names on the papers in front of them.  Also, I saw the same people writing their names down more than once!  Strange kinda game though, of course the last person to write their name on the paper, in front of the item, gets the that item.  Then they all stood in a long line before leaving with their items.  All very bizarre to me!  People do strange things, don’t they?


Looks like I’m going for another ride again. Woohoo! My journey continues!  This ride was just like the one before this one.   Hey, it’s the same box and same ride as before, and I’m in another kind of bag too.  Confused?  I’m back at the same place I was before, before I got placed in the basket bench.  How odd!  Same table, same familiar faces and voices.  Someone here must’ve been the last one to put their name on the piece of paper that was in front of me on the table outside earlier today.  Not sure who it was, I was whisked away again and placed in a cooler smaller type of box.  It was warm and wet earlier today, but now I’m cooling off quite nicely.  Thank you! 

Upon cooling off for a bit, I noticed a somewhat maybe familiar looking site.  The name said Cherry, who must’ve been homemade.  Well, that’s what the label said anyway.  I talked to Cherry for along time, like we were old friends, but not much in response from Cherry the Homemade.  I think Cherry was just shy though.

FINAL Part 5

After cooling off for quite some time, I might add, I was taken out of the small box.  Seemed like there was some trouble with the uncorking of my cork.  Must’ve been an amateur! Or maybe, she was just hanging out on the phone with her daughter, giggling and carrying on, forever.  Just then, on this cloudy rainy afternoon day, the cork was finally popped.  And, with that, just the pop of my cork, Flyer’s Journey was complete!

Bottle and cork flying out

As I drifted away, I heard playing, maybe only in my own mind, but it began far away.  As it came closer and closer, I started hearing…’this world is not my home, I’m just a passing through, my treasures are laid up, somewhere beyond the blue, the angels beckon me…’ – Jim Reeves (This world is not my home).  Don’t be sad for me, the Flyer.  I had my journey, and what a true journey it was!  I am glad I got to share it with you here.  Each and every one of us has our own journey to fulfill!  This was mine!  

My last question I have is for you…What’s your JOURNEY? How are you fulfilling it?  If you’re not sure, use mine.  I know you’ll FIND yours!  And keep on smiling!  I hope you enjoyed my Flyers Journey to inspire you to create your own journey.  Thanks again for stopping by!  God Bless!

All this talk about our journeys, brings to mind a book I read not too long ago called “The Dash; Making a Difference with Your Life” by Linda Ellis & Mac Anderson.  Our lives consist of the dash in between.  What will you do with your dash?  I Think you will enjoy this book, too!