Health Benefits of ‘Grapes Galore’

Sharing the Health Benefits of ‘Grapes Galore’ is a no brainer. These little guys are packed with a powerhouse of natural health benefits, and especially loaded with antioxidants. But, what about the high sugar content you ask? Well, it may not be so bad afterall. Let’s break it all down here. We are going to discuss the benefits of Antioxidants, Resveratrol with NO?, Metabolics and Sugars and more…

‘Grapes Galore’ and Antioxidants

Health Benefits of 'Grapes Galore'

First, grapes are naturally loaded with Antioxidants. And, the highest concentration levels are found in the darkest of the grape varieties. Wow, I had no idea. Also, the purple and red grapes have the most concentrations of Anthocyanins. What are the these guys? We will get to that in a moment.

But wait, what is all this talk about antioxidants in the first place? Well, they are something we all need in our diets daily. They help to fight oxidative stress from free radicals trying to wreak havoc on our cells, in our body. This can create inflammation which leads to possibly declining health and other bad conditions.

Health Benefits of 'Grapes Galore' and effects of Oxidative Stress

Take for instance, a banana, will turn brown pretty quickly, after bringing a bunch home, if you do not eat them soon. They are simply oxidizing rapidly, thus they do not have much antioxidants to prevent it from going bad. However, when you get a bunch of grapes, they do not go bad very quickly, as they have more antioxidants and anthocyanins.

Anthocyanin is in the flavonoid family.

These Anthocyanins are simply a group of certain antioxidants. They are found in blue, purple and red fruits and vegetables. And, raw ripe varieties of fruits & vegetables are the best in receiving the most benefits of Anthocyanins. Belonging to the flavonoid family, it is the same as what is in dark chocolate, tea, and wine.

Now, the flavonoid family is a part of a bigger antioxidant group called polyphenols. These guys are believed to help prevent and or treat health conditions in connection with inflammation, as well as oxidative stress. The health conditions can include age-related mental decline, cancer and heart disease.

Oxidative stress is caused by free radicals. And, antioxidants fight against these damaging compounds that accumulate in the body, which leads to inflammation; Again leading to increased risk of chronic ailments. However, Anthocyanin can help reduce the disease risk as well as that oxidative stress.

‘Grapes Galore’ and Resveratrol (with NO)

Well, Resveratrol is a type of antioxidant that fights against chronic inflammation. It’s another polyphenol natural compound and also helps the heart: Extracted from berries, grapes, red wine as well as a few other plants. Resveratrol is associated with increases of Nitric Oxide (NO) production.

This powerful neurotransmitter helps blood vessels to relax while improving circulation, all great for your heart health. However, since your body can only absorb small quantities, due to its low bioavailability, you can eat foods that have it. Foods like grapes and fine wine, that contain Resveratrol, is known to interact and bind to many biomolecules. Also, these beneficial biological properties are being used to prevent & treat several kinds of cancer.

‘Grapes Galore’ and Metabolics

A group of conditions that are called Metabolic Syndrome can lead to serious issues like heart disease, high blood pressure, or type 2 diabetes. These are caused by or made worse by ones diet. So, the polyphenols, in grapes and their skins, could protect your body from health issues like high cholesterol, high blood pressure & blood sugar. And currently, it appears to protect your liver and stomach, as well as help prevent obesity too.

What about all that Sugar?

Health Benefits of 'Grapes Galore' with The California Raisins.

And more so in natural raisins, than any fruit off the vines. With a total sugar count of double that of a fresh grape, as the sugars have been concentrated, including the seeds. Also, they are rich in antioxidants, as well as copper, iron, magnatese, and potassium. But with one exception, the addition of BORON.

Boron is a mineral with qualities to support good bone & joint health. It also helps wound healing and can assist in improving cognitive function. Great pluses for this little natural food, dried by the sun for approximately 3 weeks. Wow! And, it is suggested to eat less raisins do to the natural sugar content. Yummy…

The Downside of ‘Grapes Galore’

As much as I like to be positive, I need to add any downsides to Grapes Galore. And, after all this great information there is not a lot of downside. However, the following is a concern when eating grapes or raisins. Albeit, most have to do with over consuming.

First, weight gain can be an issue, due to the high sugar content, especially in regards to raisins. Just watch your consumption.

Second, is stomach discomfort from the high fiber content in these fruits. Too much fiber can cause digestive issues associated with gas, bloating, and cramps. For some, raisins can cause gassiness.

Thirdly, there are some concerns with pesticide residue. As these pesticides are used to keep bugs off the fruits. And, raisins can be sprayed again during the drying phase to keep pests away. Also, pesticides have been linked to health issues like cancer. However, buying organic may be better as it has less pesticide residue.

Fourthly, if you have allergies, you may want to think twice before trying. Some may have an allergy to grapes. It could be mild or severe, and is usually caused by a grape protein that can trigger an immune response.

Health Break Down for a Single Cup of Grapes (Red or Green)

  • 104 calories
  • 27.3 grams of carbohydrates
  • 23.4 grams of sugar
  • 1.1 grams of protein
  • 1.4 grams of fiber
  • 18% of the daily value (DV) for vitamin K
  • 6% DV for potassium
  • 21% DV for copper
  • 9% DV for thiamin
  • 8% DV for riboflavin
  • 8% DV for vitamin B6

And raisins have a huge amount of natural sugars, 28g to be exact; and that is for a 1.5 oz little box. Wow! A cup of grapes are on average could be just a few to many depending on the size or variety of the grape.

Well, this wraps up my Health Benefits of ‘Grapes Galore’. Mostly good stuff is what grapes are all about. I think that the benefits well outweighs any downside they may have. But, weigh them for yourself. And, if you want to know the different kinds of grapes out there, check out my other page Grapes Galore & so much more!

Health Benefits of 'Grapes Galore' and wine