Biohacking with a Lite Spray

Biohacking with a Lite Spray: A lighter version of the original. Just SPRAY it in your mouth, as opposed to a full SNAP instead. These are the best for trying these biohacking products. Especially if your not sure how you will feel after using them. This is a good way to get started on your path to a better you.

Biohacking with a Lite Spray. 3 different areas of focus Sprays.

The Same Great Taste one Spray at a time versus a full SNAP all at one time! See how you like it?

Check out the Three Areas of Health we focus on and see what they can do for you…

Focus One ~ the zlēm®: A way to sleep and lose weight all at the same time. Sleep & Lose Weight! Are you kidding me? WHAT! Hard to believe huh? Well it’s true. It’s a nighttime formula for a more sound sleep. It works as you sleep all the while allowing you to get the most restful nights sleep you’ve had in a while. And, the overall better health and daily performance zlēm® provides is incredible.

Focus Two ~ the byōm:  The latest amazing SNAP for better gut health. The first of its kind in a liquid form. This starts to help your bodies core much faster. Also, adds to helping your gut get to its optimal alkalinity. Also, while giving your body more hydration. It’s byōm to the rescue to provide gut relief.

Focus Three ~ the brān®: This helps with brain fog, enhancing your mood, and help with cravings. Also helping with providing better focus and more concentration, as well as a boost of energy. No need for energy drinks anymore. And brān® contains a mix of 16 nutrients. Now that’s a science nootropic!

So, Remember: Here are the New Lite Sprays. Same great taste! Also, they are easy to carry with you and use as needed. These are the best from zlēm® and byōm and brān® with Caramel Macchiato flavor! You can get the one you like or Get all three of these Lite Versions.