Natural Hair Care Tools

Need help with your hair?  Well we have the Natural Hair Care Tools you need.  Our corner is all about helping others with the best products and innovation.  And Joi is all about that too, delivering her Hair Care Tools to everyone. 

Our hair is a big part of how we see ourselves, our identity.  And, when our hair goes  out of control, it makes us feel insecure and out of sorts. It may even look like we are not keeping up with good hygiene.  However, the solution is here!

Natural Hair Care Tools

From curly to straight and all combinations, we get through genetics.  Many of us have tried so many products to get the best hair and have failed, miserably.  When I was younger it seemed those that had curly hair wanted straight hair and vice versa.  Finally I learned to just embrace the hair I was born with, Curly. Now there are some Hair Care Tools to help all of us with the hard to manage hair.

Bad Hair Days, Not Any More!  

You have just found a method to end the bad hair days!  And, the most important part is in determining first what hair type you have.  Once you know this, then you’re able to care for it. Check it out below!  Next, having access to the perfect Natural Hair Care Tools is key.

Now to know what natural hair is the hair you are born with without chemicals, blow dryers, and straighteners.  And, you want the best hair you can have that is healthy without split ends and no brittleness.  You want that state of healthy vibrance for as long as possible.  Getting back to that natural look, we need to undo the prior damage caused by years of trying things that really did not work. However, we found a solution with this new, amazingly simple, weekly hair care system. We are sharing it to help you get back to a healthy natural hair state.  Find your ideal hair care.

Hair Types – Natural Hair Care Tools

There are a vast array of different hair types. As I began searching for the best products for me I found an enormous amount of information and a wealth of knowledge.  And as all of us have different blood and skin types, there are many different types of hair as well.  Similar to blood and skin types, it all comes directly from Genetics.  Whether from your parents, grandparents or even further back than that, genetics is the key.  Like it or not it is what it is,  But now we have found those making our lives better. 

We now have this incredible Natural Hair Care Tools.  Make those bad hair days disappear with this information.  That’s why we share it here with you, then you can share it with others with hair issues.  This is a wonderful solution!  Check it out Here.

Every woman deals with their hair day in and day out.  And, they probably know which type of hair they have, like myself I have type 3A, curly and prone to frizzing.  So, if you know anyone, especially with curls, you should share this page with them.

Here is a Hair Chart to get you started:

This chart will help you discover your exact hair type. From Type 1 to Type 4, with each type having a subtype. Under each subtype there is more specific information to help focus on one type over the other. Once you’ve determined your hair type, you will now be able to care for your hair in a better healthier way. Check out the drawing below…

Hair Types

When I was younger, I was always trying to blow dry it straight, coloring it and just fussing with it constantly.  Later, when I got older, I even tried a haircut that used a straightener almost daily, and did no service to my hair.  I finally got to a point that I would just love the curls I have, and try to do right by them. I started by researching the best hair care out there.  And, this is truly a great perfect wash day system to help manage the natural curls.  So, how about getting started today and see what your hair type is?

Hair Type 1: A, B & C

type 1b hair

If you have type 1, then you have pretty much straight hair. However, straight hair does come with texture. Thus, each hair type is broken down into three sub categories. 

  • Type 1A – Hair is very straight with no bounce, bends or waves. It ‘s usually very difficult to add texture. Because of this, people with straight hair try using perms to get some curl, but it doesn’t always work.
  • Type 1B – Hair is still straight but has a little wave. Not much, maybe enough to have a little bounce with minor curvy waves. This type is a tad bit easier to curl without the use of chemicals or solutions.
  • Type 1C –  Hair has a mix of straight hair with very few curls.  This type can be affected by weather and humidity, but not all the time. Hit and miss.

Hair Type 2: A, B & C

If you have type 2, then you have waves as a general texture. However, the waves can vary. Thus, you have the scale above and hair type break downs below. This will determine which hair type you have.

  • Type 2A – Hair has loose waves and straight at the top of the head. The waves form down towards the middle of the head. They are thin and fine with very little to no texture.
  • Type 2B – Hair is straight at the top of the head.  The wave starts in the middle of your head. But these waves are more defined. They form an S type shape as it goes to the bottom tips. This type of wave has a little more coarse texture with a tendency to frizz.
  • Type 2C – Hair has waves from the top of the head down to the tip. The wave texture is like a curl or ringlet. Often, the texture is coarse with thicker hair. This type frizzes easily.

Hair Type 3: A, B, & C

If you have type 3, like me, this is the most popular type. Everyone wants big bouncy curls. This type is shiny, smooth and voluminous. Everyone seems to want the ”My hair is healthy & beautiful” looking hair. But unfortunately, we don’t always get what we want. Like I mentioned before, it’s all about genetics.

  • Type 3A – Curls are large loose spirals. They have a well defined S-shape.  This gives them a shiny and springy, soft texture. 
  • Type 3B – Curls are a bit tighter that range from corkscrews to ringlets. You’ll have more volume and density tends to lean towards the coarse side.
  • Type 3C – Curls are the curly-coily type with an extremely tight corkscrew shape. And this creates the illusion or appearance of shrinkage. Results will be that your hair volume will appear to be dense with more volume.

Hair Type 4: A, B, & C

type 4c hair

If you have type 4, like Joi, as with most people with an ethnic background, you may fall into this type. Those tend to use chemicals or other products to tame or manage curly, frizzy hair. No worries! This new product will help with that. 

  • Type 4A – Hair has an extremely tight curl with a very distinct S-shape. Hair type is dense with springy coils from wiry to fine. And, it is mainly very coarse and very thick.
  • Type 4B – Hair is unique in that the curls look more like a Z-shape pattern.  It has sharp angles and edges with a tighter, less defined shape. And, curl strands vary from fine and thin, to wiry, to coarse.
  • Type 4C – Hair is very dense, very thick and coarse.  The curls have little definition to them. This type of curls ranges from super fine, to coarse and wiry. Curls are extremely delicate, can be lost easily, and frizzes badly.

Care for all Hair types with Natural Hair Care Products

Okay, have you figured out the exact hair type you have?  Simple right?  Now you just need to know how to go about caring for it.  This “Perfect Wash Day Kit” is just one of the products we market here.  It enables you to get your curl back, no matter your type, in no time at all.  Just take a look at the many available products.  And, get the Natural Hair Care Products you need to make your hair happy again. 

Get back to Celebrating your Natural Hair!